You might say, however, “Why am I interested in (Not Art)? I am an artist, I think I am interested in Art not (Not Art).” My response would be that surprises lie on boundaries. Surprise is the essence of irony and humor. And great insight, of any flavor, is simply a very high-quality joke that gives us tremendous childish pleasure. So, there you have it. One studies the boundaries between Art and (Not Art) for puerile reasons that make us laugh childishly.

Complexity and Ethics of Gene Editing

What does gene editing mean for society? How complex is the procedure? What is the likelihood that mistakes will be made in the process? What happens to discarded embryos?


The news is full of commentary on gene editing of humans. What is gene editing? How is it different from GMOs and other types of genetic engineering? What are the ethics? How is the course of human evolution being changed?

Polarized Microscopy of Chemical Crystals by Doug Craft

These are images taken of chemical crystals using a Nikon polarizing microscope from 2004-2006. I prepared slides of melt crystals of phenol (carbolic acid) and benzoic acid, and precipitation crystals of ascorbic acid and potassium acid phthalate. Crystal will form vivid colors in a polarizing microscope as you can see this video. The music is a piece called “Impermanence,” I composed in 2011 using Acid Pro.

Micro Biological by Doug Craft

These are biological subjects I photographed using an Olympus Stereo microscope with a Nikon F camera, and a Nikon polarizing microscope. The music is a piece composed in Acid Pro called, “Before Current Era.” Enjoy, and feel free to share! I shot images of S. Mark Nelson’s butterfly collection and leaf samples using the Olypmus dissection scope, and the prepared biological slides using a Nikon polarizing microscope.


The best way to understand what a neurotransmitter does is to see what happens when it is absent or over-present.

17 Chihuly

These are photos I took with Instagram on my cell phone of the Chihuly exhibit on a recent trip to Seattle. (August 2018)


The Second Law is even more important than water for the creation of life. The Second Law, in its simplest form, can be stated, “Matter and energy tend to spread.” What is so meaningful about that simple sentence. After all, it is not surprising that cream spreads into coffee when stirred. We think of disorder as matter and energy that are well spread. We give this disorder the name “entropy.” The Second Law states that the entropy of matter and energy increases or, at minimum, does not decrease. An implication of this law is that all the matter and energy in the universe will eventually become a uniform heated soup. There will be no structure to the universe. Physicists usually say, The Universe will die in a random heat bath.”


Hello fellow space-time travelers. My name is Roger Jones. I am coming to you from steamy downtown Pensacola, Florida. It is 7:30 in the morning in late June, so you can see the morning sun streaming through the east-facing windows behind me. This is the first post on this channel, TheX-Press channel, so I thought…

Water and Magic

Full fathom five thy father lies.

Of his bones are coral made.

Those are pearls that were his eyes.

Nothing of him that doth fade,

But doth suffer a sea-change

Into something rich and strange.

Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell

Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2


This video tells a story, a parable rather, about abundance of water and the consequences of abundant water. The setting is Pensacola, Florida. This video is part of the Abundance Project in which citizens are invited to participate in critical thinking to create tools for policy makers.